
Should you bring investors into your business?

2021-04-06T14:21:30+10:006th April 2021|Accounting, Advisory, News, Taxation|

Sometimes the difference between a good business and a great business is simply having sufficient capital to execute your business plan.  For many businesses, the owners have put everything they have into growing the business but there is still a gap.  Investors offer an opportunity to close that gap but at what

What you need to consider when making superannuation contributions

2020-09-23T10:00:08+10:0016th June 2020|Accounting, Advisory, Superannuation, Taxation|

About this time every financial year, it’s an excellent time to review any super contribution opportunities. However, since March 2020, there has been high volatility in investment markets, which may have created extra potential for clients to benefit. There have also been changes to super contribution rules over the last few years

Vacant land deduction changes hit Mum & Dad property developers

2020-04-28T11:01:05+10:009th December 2019|Accounting, Advisory|

Legislation that passed through Parliament last month prevents taxpayers from claiming a deduction for expenses incurred for holding vacant land. The amendments are not only retrospective but go beyond purely vacant land.

Previously, if you bought vacant land with the intent to build a rental property on it, you may have been able

What you need to know about work related deductions

2020-04-30T16:20:00+10:0027th August 2019|Accounting, Advisory|

Last financial year, more than 8.8 million taxpayers claimed $21.98 billion in deductions for work-related expenses. It’s an area under intense review by the ATO.

AH Jackson & Co partner Emmanuel Georga said tax deductions must take into consideration the direct connection to your income, the private portion of the expense and must

Working from home and what you can claim

2020-04-28T11:01:19+10:008th April 2019|Accounting, Advisory|

A lot of people do some sort of work from home. It might be simply answering emails on the couch or working from home a few days a week. If you do work from home, you might be wondering what you can claim come tax time.

AH Jackson & Co partner Emmanuel Georga