
What are superannuation deductions?

2021-06-23T17:23:44+10:0023rd June 2021|Accounting, Superannuation, Taxation|

Are you ready for the end of the financial year?

With only a few days left in the 2021 financial year, we have one last tax strategy to share with you.

In this episode, Ryan Sheppard discusses superannuation deductions.

What are superannuation deductions?

Watch episode 6 now and find out!

What you need to consider when making superannuation contributions

2020-09-23T10:00:08+10:0016th June 2020|Accounting, Advisory, Superannuation, Taxation|

About this time every financial year, it’s an excellent time to review any super contribution opportunities. However, since March 2020, there has been high volatility in investment markets, which may have created extra potential for clients to benefit. There have also been changes to super contribution rules over the last few years

Ways you can take advantage of the Super Guarantee Amnesty

2020-09-23T10:11:00+10:0016th June 2020|Accounting, News, Superannuation, Taxation|

The Government has resurrected the Superannuation Guarantee (SG) amnesty giving employers that have fallen behind with their SG obligations the ability to “self-correct.” This time, however, the incentive of the amnesty is strengthened by harsh penalties for those that fail to take action.

The super guarantee amnesty is a one-off opportunity to correct

Self-managed superannuation funds move towards real time reporting

2020-04-22T15:47:37+10:0027th November 2017|Superannuation|

Recent changes to the superannuation monitoring and reporting regime means that self-managed superannuation funds (SMSF) will increasingly be required to provide real time and up-to-date data throughout the year as opposed to the more traditional annual reporting.

AH Jackson and Co partner, Elias (Leo) Manicaros said the complex changes which came into effect on 1