
Should you bring investors into your business?

2021-04-06T14:21:30+10:006th April 2021|Accounting, Advisory, News, Taxation|

Sometimes the difference between a good business and a great business is simply having sufficient capital to execute your business plan.  For many businesses, the owners have put everything they have into growing the business but there is still a gap.  Investors offer an opportunity to close that gap but at what

Is your business eligible for a tax refund?

2020-12-02T14:24:40+10:002nd December 2020|Accounting, News, Taxation|

If your company has made a loss, you may be able to claim a tax refund for tax previously paid on profits.

In the 2020-21 Federal Budget, the Government announced that businesses with turnover under $5bn* will be able to offset any losses made between 2019-20 and 2021-22 against previously taxed profits between

Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) hot spots

2020-09-29T10:08:38+10:0029th September 2020|Accounting, News, Taxation|

FBT liabilities can trap unwary businesses, some of whom don’t recognise that there can be a tax consequence from providing benefits to staff such as entertainment.

It is essential to understand there can be implications from seemingly straight-forward business activities across income tax and GST, as well as FBT.

For some smaller businesses, it

How to get ready for an ATO JobKeeper 1.0 audit

2020-12-01T15:47:10+10:0029th September 2020|Accounting, COVID-19, News, Taxation|

The JobKeeper subsidy has progressed beyond the rush for eligibility into the second round. Along with the new eligibility thresholds that will carry through until March next year, the ATO is beginning to focus attention on compliance. Late last month, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) released guidance highlighting where the regulator will

What you need to consider when making superannuation contributions

2020-09-23T10:00:08+10:0016th June 2020|Accounting, Advisory, Superannuation, Taxation|

About this time every financial year, it’s an excellent time to review any super contribution opportunities. However, since March 2020, there has been high volatility in investment markets, which may have created extra potential for clients to benefit. There have also been changes to super contribution rules over the last few years

Ways you can take advantage of the Super Guarantee Amnesty

2020-09-23T10:11:00+10:0016th June 2020|Accounting, News, Superannuation, Taxation|

The Government has resurrected the Superannuation Guarantee (SG) amnesty giving employers that have fallen behind with their SG obligations the ability to “self-correct.” This time, however, the incentive of the amnesty is strengthened by harsh penalties for those that fail to take action.

The super guarantee amnesty is a one-off opportunity to correct